Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


We've still been lucky enough to avoid any snow, but yesterday and today there has been a really hard frost when I've gone out. This is the roof of the car this morning. The thermometer says -2°. I can believe that .
I had a 'doing' day today and one off my 'dos' really warmed me up. Least week I decided to wash the cream beanbag cover before giving our old beanbag to Eilidh. Many years ago I made a liner, so taking the balls out wasn't messy but it was hard work.
Today's job was putting the liner full of beans back into the outer cover. It's like juggling kittens! You got one corner of the bag full of beans in and another fell out. It took me about 20 minutes. I'm glad I don't have a swear box that's all I can say. I was certainly warm afterwards though. Then, to add insult to injury I discovered that all that struggling to fit the liner into the cover had resulted in the end of the zip coming apart. So, or should I say sew!..... but that's tomorrow's job. It's feet up with a cup of tea time now.
I had some of my lentil soup for lunch, I'd forgotten how good it was for some reason. I haven't made it for a while, I'll have some of the ham I boiled for my dinner, later.

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