Into Somerset…

We 3 had a beautiful train journey to Yeovil on Tuesday; blue skies, passing lots of farmsteads and sheep grazing, oblivious to the cold. Much of the flooding we saw the previous visit had gone but certainly not all.

It was great to go together. Last Friday for Big Sis and I was sad. We knew from that visit we had to say our goodbyes to Valerie even though we hope to be blessed with more time with her.

And so we did that, with tears and also laughter at our many years of fun together. We even managed to make notes for her service, choosing some songs/hymns and other things to help the family. Neil was able to join in. All wonderfully helped by the perfectly timed visit of her palliative care nurse. Her gentle suggestion that Valerie spend a week in Taunton hospice to help with her awful pain. So much is happening in her already suffering body. Reluctantly Valerie agreed and after Stacey had left, our conversation happened very naturally. And Valerie can come home anytime she chooses.

Two days later and after delays due to staff sickness, she is now in Taunton. The journey there for us will be a greater challenge but we’ll get there.

For my journal.

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