Egretta garzetta - Little Egret

A bitterly cold day but a glorious blue sky ............... Just need to wrap up.
Indie walked, coffee with Mum. Home a little earlier today. Hubby was going to go through the car wash while I shopped at Tesco's. Car wash out of order. Drat! I shopped for Mum & myself, not a big shop so was'nt long. The same member of staff on the checkout as early Saturday morning. I remembered her, she remembered me, probably due to our conversation on the merits of clotted cream. We both had a chuckle. Hubby & I then went across to the Berni Inn ... no soup, no curry, no fish. No custom. I rang the Passage House to see if we could reserve a table. They closed at 3pm, so we drove there. It's only 5 minutes up the road, then down to the estuary. There is always something of interest on the water. Today the Little Egret was working it's way up & down as the tide was going out.

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