
By AndyG1982

New security procedure

As head of security for the G household, it falls to me to ensure the security, and health and safety of all occupants of our house.
The door pictured above is for the cupboard under our stairs. It's Felicity's favourite hiding place. Unfortunately it's not really child proof. It's not like it's a cupboard filled with dangerous goods or anything. It's just filled with stuff that could fall on her. 

So today the decision was made that this door should now be child proofed and this sticky latch thing pictured above on the left was attached. I suspect tomorrow when Felicity discovers that she can no longer freely access her favourite hiding place, she will be displeased. In fact I fully expect her to to go mental. But it's ok. I have a plan. I'll give her some cheese. She loves cheese. Hopefully that will distract from the now secured door. If not I might just buy a second shed and put everything in there. Anything for a quiet life really.

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