
24 hours ago Deb was down to be working today, but looking at the forecast, and a quick word with her boss, she had booked the day off. 

We headed out fairly early to Dowthwaite Head - the single track road down to the car park is one I've driven in all weathers in the Land Rovers, but took a little more concentration with the snow and ice in the Skoda!

We managed Birkett Fell (a Birkett), Hart Side, Stybarrow Dodd, Watson's Dodd, Great Dodd, and Clough Head before the long walk back along the old coach road. Conditions were full winter, with temperatures on the tops around -15 deg. We both have full crampons, so stability wasn't an issue, but it was really energy sapping walking through parts that were mid-calf deep and crusted. Our water bottles froze (fortunately we both had flasks of tea too) and by the time we got back to the car we'd covered about 11 miles. 

Felt we'd really earned our scones! 5 more Wainwrights, and now 164/214, only 50 to go! 

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