I mewn i ddimensiwn arall

I mewn i ddimensiwn arall ~ Into another dimension

“The canvas is the door to another dimension. The paintbrush is the key.”
― Luhraw

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O'r diwedd. Roeddwn i wedi cael diwrnod ymlacio. Gwnaethwn i ddim byd - dim gwaith o leiaf.

Gwyliais i sawl pennod o 'Gymry ar Gynfas' (rhaglen am beintio portread o bobol enwog Cymru), dechreuais i adeiladu model 'Draig Addawol' yn Lego, ac yn gorffennais i lyfr 'Dangerous Dimensions'.

(Yn y cyfamser, roedd Nor'dzin yn brysur yn gwneud het o hen ddarnau o ffwr a deunydd gwisg).

Roedd hi'n dda iawn i golli fy hun (neu ffeindio fy hun) mewn Cymraeg, adeiladu a straeon.

Gwylio rhaglenni yn y Gymraeg, cefn wrth gefn, neu hyn yn oed gwrando arnyn nhw yn y cefndir, yn helpu fi gyda'r synnwyr a rhythm o'r iaith. Mae'n ysbrydoli i weld y bobol y dirwedd a'r ffordd mae'r artistiaid yn creu portread o'r person, eu bywyd, eu hanes, a'u personoliaeth.

Gyda'r Lego, rydw i'n ffeindio mae'n helpi fi gyda deheurwydd ac arsylwi. Hefyd rydw i'n gwerthfawrogi’r dyfeisgarwch y dylunwyr.

Ac yn olaf ffeindiais i fy hun tynnu i mewn i'r straeon yn 'Dangerous Dimensions' a'r bydau creasant nhw.

Rydw i'n teimlo fy mod  i wedi treulio amser mewn dimensiwn arall fy hun. Dimensiwn ymlaciedig.

Yn ôl i'r gwaith yfory.


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Finally. I had had a relaxing day. I did nothing - at least no work. I watched several episodes of 'Cymry ar Gynfas' (a program about painting portraits of famous Welsh people), I started to build an 'Auspicious Dragon' model in Lego, and I finished the book Dangerous Dimensions'..

(Meanwhile, Nor'dzin was busy making a hat from pieces of fur and dress material).

It was very good to lose myself (or find myself) in Welsh, construction and stories.

Watching programs in Welsh, back to back, or even listening to them in the background, helps me with the sense and rhythm of the language. It is inspiring to see the people the landscape and the way the artists create a portrait of the person, their life, their history, and their personality.

With the Lego, I find it helps me with dexterity and observation. I also appreciate the ingenuity of the designers.

And finally I found myself drawn into the stories in 'Dangerous Dimensions' and the worlds they created.

I feel like I've spent time in another dimension myself. A relaxed dimension.

Back to work tomorrow.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Tudalennau o lyfr 'Dangerous Dimensions', amlygiad dwbl, ar ongl sgwâr i'w gilydd.
Description (English): Pages from the book 'Dangerous Dimensions', double exposure, at right angles to each other.

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