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By pplnani

New Car

......... last week my son had a crash in his car ( he swerved to avoid hitting a muntjac on a very wet country road and lost control when the car mounted the quagmire that was once the grass verge, where steering and braking were pointless as it acted like black ice ). There was a small wall on the far side of the ditch and unfortunately the car ended up hitting it - it was a write off, but thankfully my son got away with nothing worse than cuts and bruises.
He lives in the middle of nowhere and is struggling to get to work without a car, so I took him out today to search for new one. He was rather taken with this little number, so we will be collecting it next week.
I was very thankful that he found something at the second forecourt that we trudged round because it was incredibly cold out there - I was well wrapped up but I still hadn’t thawed out 4 hours after returning home, brrrr.

Backblipped two days late.

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