We actually had snow today! Well when I say snow I mean a very brief flurry that didn't cover the ground completely and occurred from a clear blue sky! I've been wondering recently why we don't seem to get a hoar frost - the best I have seen was when I stayed with AH14 in Dorset many years ago! In trying to find out why I discovered there are 4 types of frost - air, grass, ground and hoar. Maybe we do get it but just not as spectacular - and of course I'm not venturing around the countryside early to see it as I used to!
Today we were supposed to have a power cut for 4 hours. They have been replacing electric cables at the end of my terrace for the last week. What a nightmare! Pavement is closed and traffic is controlled by lights, but with cars parked alongside the road on the right and a bank on the left complete impasse is often occurring! Well the power cut lasted 45 minutes and I was rather disappointedI I had planned to start a new book and a jigsaw puzzle and experience life with out internet access! I'm addicted to it! Watching films, Youtube, tiktok, playing games, catching up on the news, X /twitter, facebook etc! I think it's responsible for giving me a butterfly mind / short attention span! I can fast forward through films, series and watch short videos, so anything requiring sustained attention I find very difficult! Heaven only knows how the younger generation are faring considering this is all they know!
The bit of bad news today was my car. My neighbour messaged me yesterday eve asking if I had an oil leak. She had noticed it before where I parked and today, as I had to park in her space due to the works traffic, it was very noticeable and she could see a spill where I was currently parked. I'd gone out with a torch and oh dear yes something is leaking! I contacted the garage and they said they would take a look today but the earliest they could do anything was tues afternoon! Well it's not an oil leak, could be a loose valve or something more serious! He topped up my coolant which was very low, and advised me to keep checking on it and not do a long journey as the engine could blow!!! Yikes!
It was good to be up in the field at the end of the day and watch the sun go down! I love how the sunset has turned the twigs red in places! Best seen in large!
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