the blink of an eye

By weedave

friends,memories and dogs

yesterday was a hard day in every manner of the word
work had been very physical ( digging post holes through solid sandstone )
the passing of our dog Skye had been the straw on my emotional back , it had not been an easy week,

I woke this morning feeling wrung out and sore , all my physical labours were catching up on me , I felt old !!!
I did not accomplish much as even walking was sore ( my knees seem to have decided the are in a eighty year old and acting accordingly !!),
we decided to go see our good friends Ian and Elaine , as Elaine has not had a good week either as she fell and badly broke her wrist ...ouch !!!!( and here am I complaining about a few aches and pains!!!)
this was the first time we had taken our dog Murrin as previously our two dogs and their jack Russell Lizzy would have caused mayhem... but today we would not leave Murrin alone ( she was missing her best pal )

the rest of the day was very pleasant, filled with laughs , memories, a long walk with dogs and cameras and finally some food .. thanks guys you were just what we needed !!!!

have you ever tried to take a pic of a dog chasing a ball.... NOT an easy now I know I take a LARGE amount of pics but hey even I was astounded at how many pics of either grass or a white blurr I took ..... out of the HUNDREDS I took only really got about 10 half decent ones ... need to try harder or learn how to do it
This is Lizzy ...... I know it's in black and white but colour was taking tooooooo long to process ( well that's my excuse !!)...enjoy

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