
By ecclescake


After a lovely afternoon chatting with a friend, I headed into M & S for a couple of bits.

I rarely buy myself flowers (combination of being a cheap skate, and preferring plants that last longer) but always look at and have a little smell of freesia whenever I see them. They were my mums favourite flowers, and even now, nearly 27 years after her dying they are the thing that reminds me of her most. The flowers at her funeral included freesia too. Anyhow, I had a lovely sniff of the freesia, and gave them a big smile as I passed the flower section. A staff member was sorting flowers out next to me, and saw me, and offered me 2 bunches of lovely Hyacinths for free! How lovely was that.

The smell of Hyacinths actually reminds me of my mum too - but for a very different reason! As a kid I really didnt like the smell of them, and didnt find out why that specific smell made me feel funny til I was about 12. Apparently when I was a tiny tot, I'd seem my mum cleaning using Zoflora (which smells of Hyacinths) and decided to 'help'. I opened a full bottle with my teeth (of course I did) then poured the whole bottle down the toilet. My parents found me with the smell of Zoflora round my mouth and didnt know if I'd drunk it, so I had to go to hospital and had my stomach pumped! No wonder the smell made me feel a bit sick as a teen.

Lots of memories from one random encounter and bit of kindness.
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