Rabbit Hospitality Station

My husband is a soft touch for the animals in our yard. He feeds the birds several times a day, puts out water for all of the animals, digs out the snow so the critters have places to truffle around in the dirt and leaves, and has recently started feeding one of our wild yard rabbits! Yes, this is an eastern cottontail, going to town on its food tray on a cold winter's morning.

The bunny buffet at the rabbit hospitality station on this day featured sliced carrots, chopped peanuts, and dried cranberries (which are a favorite). The bunny has grown accustomed to it, and looks for its bun-tray in the morning, when the birds are also fed.

To think: one man, one rabbit, working on building a friendship. I joke with my husband that when he walks through the yard, the bunnies whisper to each other, "I bet his breath smells like carrots." It makes us both laugh. Kindness is its own reward, but friendship is even better!

My soundtrack song for my tender-hearted husband and this cute little bunny is this one: James Taylor and Carole King, with You've Got a Friend.

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