New Shambles

Kendal has yards like other towns have twitterns, ginnels, snickets  or closes.  This is New Shambles, now a delightful yard of small  independent traders, my favourites are a soap and cream maker and a wool shop. 
Although it's called New Shambles , its only new because the butchers moved here from Old Shambles in 1804 when the yard became known as Stinking Lane on account of all the blood and offal. And its called Shambles because that's the old name for the place where animals are bought to be slaughtered. I notice that New Shambles is a lot steeper than Old Shambles so it would have been easier to wash all the waste down hill into the river. Slaughtering ceased when Kendal built an abattoir in 1867 but 12 butchers shops remained.  Just one remains today.   

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