
By cowgirl

Bday weekend part 2

Lucky me - breakfast with Jo and Fossey this morning. Came home and had a tidy up ( I know, but it's the first spare minute I seem to have had for a while and it really needed a hoovering and sorting out of stuff dumped in a ' to be sorted out later ' pile, plus I'd had 2 full on caffeine packed coffees! ) before heading out again.

Afternoon tea was prepared and served by Sue - sandwiches, scones and fairy cakes - aided and abetted by her hubby Roy. Such a nice surprise, I thought we were just popping round for a piece of cake, so thank you guys, if you're reading this!

We are now flaked out on the sofa ... I reckon if you check in on us in about 5 mins we'll be having 40 winks. All this eating is exhausting!!

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