Digital painting

I got backache in bed last night, so ended up getting up and moving around for a couple of hours last night (doing some sorting out of stuff and having a couple of cups of tea) until the pain went. Went back to sleep at 3 am, woke at 6.30am, so that was a few hours of good sleep.

Looking out the window, I appear to have collected someone's cardboard recycle in Storm Isha, but I won't know properly until it's daylight. Hopefully it's no worse than that...

I'll have to check the SD cards later to see how the stray cats and other wild beasties fared, but some stray cats came in the bungalow for food last night, because all Midnight's wet and dry food has gone...

Wildlife nighttime camera from the previous night...
Cat Jade looks at camera then she jumps off & Fox jumps on swing & looks in camera!
42 secs painting begun in Procreate, and finished in a couple of apps.

Have your best day...

Now a cup of tea and Midnight is mithering me for his food bowls to be replenished...

And a peek outside to see what the storm's wind and rain have is just getting light a wee bit...

Just peeked outside. Midnight is doing his rounds of the garden also. He seems to have discovered the scent of a new cat, but it might not appear on the SD cards. A quick glance just shows someone else's recycle rubbish...but I need to check roof and stuff in full daylight...I did throw out a handful of peanuts out at 3am (because I felt sorry for any living beastie out there in that weather, even I got drowned just going out with the peanuts!), so I am guessing badger or fox were still looking for food after 3am because they have all gone...

My friend in Liverpool just texted...she lives in a high rise, near the top. She was not a happy bunny last night....

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