Farewell Fireplace

Apologies for the boring blips at the moment but I am doing some documenting of housey things before the decorators move in upstairs.  This Victorian fireplace has been behind a temporary board in the front bedroom for far too long.  It was a 'feature' for a while years back but it's a devil to dust and I do not like dusting.  I have been looking at chimney balloons to block the loss of warm air and draught incursion but I'd still have to dust it. So, Jack is coming on Wednesday to fit a board which will then be plastered by Ryan and painted by Collette.  I've blipped it so that it can go in the house file then future owners of no.13 will know what is behind this fireplace which is not a fireplace!

Crikey, Storm Isha was a bit scary last night.  I was holding on to the solar panels with my mind.  I retired to the upstairs bedroom which is less exposed to the prevailing wind than ours, read a bit, switched on the Sleeping Forecast and eventually fell asleep.  This morning the first text to come in was on the Neighbourhood WhatsApp, Paula asking if I knew our gutter had fallen off and was currently parked behind her wheelie bins.  Oh heck!  We quickly dressed and went out to check.  No missing gutters.  We and neighbour Taryn went to look at the parked guttering, certainly the length of a house front.  Then the builders working on Joyce's roof arrived, concerned about their scaffolding and joined in the hunt.  I went back in to wash up and Tony and Taryn located the missing guttering - on the back of Paula's house.  It must have blown right over the roof and landed in the middle of the road, narrowly missing her car.  She did say it made a tremendous bang!  I had stored away all items likely to blow away before Isha did her worst but Taryn's garden furniture ended up down the footpath steps!  Let's hope that's the worst of it for our street, but I wonder how many more trees may have come down in St Ives, certainly not going out to look today!

I hope you and yours have all come through the night unscathed.

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