Bridge 201 - Trent & Mersey

My first canal shot of the year and this is bridge 201 on the Trent & Mersey, Barnton Road bridge.

 I hadn't intended blipping this bridge but a boat conveniently appeared when I was on my way back to the car and I thought it livened up what otherwise would have been a dull bridge. The road is the A533 which links Runcorn and Northwich.

The sign on the left gives some information about Barnton and says that is the largest village in England. I have come across several villages that claim this title but in Barnton's case this seems completely misplaced and a quick google search backs up my thoughts.

To see the other photos in this series check out the TMBridgeseries tag

Album of the Day - Good Souls, Better Angels - Lucinda Williams (2020)

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