transmission only mode..

By Mobius

The Queen's

..(Henrietta) Sconce

to the South West of Newark; The King's (Charles I) Sconce is to the North East.

Newark was a strategic location during the English Civil War being along The Fosse Way and also at a point where the land is low lying by the River Trent.

Debated last time I blipped this but in essence Sconce is based on the the Dutch word for fort.

Evensong - Christian Unity Week

Extra seats added to the Quire with Choir of the Collegiate Church of St Mary Warwick joining the Minster Choristers. Southwell Minster is also a church of St Mary.

The Roman Catholic Bishop of Nottingham, The local Southwell Catholic Priest and a person representing Churches Together in Southwell formed part of the service.  

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