Duck, Duck ...

... no goose.

As the weather was better than yesterday ... although still not warm by any means ... we tried to get out for a walk at Louise Moore County Park. 

But when we got to the park we could see that the pathways were not plowed of snow.  Much to our surprise and disappointment they were very snow covered ... which means no walking on them for me especially. 

So we did three loops around the parking lot instead!  At least that was plowed!

After leaving the park we stopped at the Waterfowl Observation deck to photograph the many ducks and geese that hang out there.  This is a lovely female mallard duck with some snow on her beak.  I liked that I was able to get a photo of her alone ... without any other birds around her, which is sometimes difficult to do at the spot.  Please have a look full screen.

We returned home just in time to watch the American football games this afternoon.  Huge congrats to the Detroit Lions and the Kansas City Chiefs for advancing to the Conference Championship rounds!  There are two games next Sunday to determine the two teams that will compete in the Super Bowl.  I would like to see a Lions vs. Chiefs Super Bowl! But not sure that will happen ...

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