No school

Well the wildlings were all dressed and ready for school this morning when the text came to say that the school had quite a bit of storm damage to it. They had tiles come off the roof. 
The storm was mental last night. Thankfully our trampoline survived . I didn't really sleep well because I was paranoid it would get blown away. Even though I had it secured. 
NY work was also closed as many of the students come from a distance and there were so many trees reported being over roads etc. 

So a day at home it was. They did schoolwork on tech. We went a walk , the jedi collected sticks to make a house. ( see extra  ). And then this afternoon was spent painting.  The 3 big wildlings did watercolour tutorials. They did really well and enjoyed it. But by gosh it's not the easiest to help 3 at once. The jedi had his own paints out. 

I've told Xander football is cancelled tonight.  It's still a little windy and I don't have the car. It's too cold for the wee ones to be hanging around.  

Mr R is still travelling so I'm hoping the roads are ok where he is. 

The wildlings school is closed again tomorrow.  

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