Now and then
The top photo came up on my Facebook timeline today. It’s one of the very few photos we have of all three of us from school. (I’m the sultry, some would say miserable, looking one on the right!)
The second is from Sunday, little bro and little sis, now all grown up.
I count myself fortunate to have such amazing family. I wasn’t always as grateful, I was an obnoxious teenager who wanted nothing more than to leave them all behind! I did leave but never quite left the family behind, so much so I ended up back where I started! With them at my side. They have seen me through some tough times and are still willing to stand up for me, as I would them.
Forever grateful! And as our friend clings on to life, facing the prospect of not seeing her children grow and they facing not having a mum to run home to, I feel even more love for my family!
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