Lady Lola...
The wind was pretty bad last night and we were relieved this morning to find Storm Isha caused no damage to the house or garden.
I gave Lola a teaspoonful of coconut oil this morning and she's been my best pal all day! Look at that expectant wee face. Still hoping for a second dose this evening. Dream on baby girl. Ask me again on Wednesday :-))
This afternoon was spent organising frames for Ele's paintings. I've decided that three 10" square frames would fit the space better than two larger rectangular frames so have re-drawn the sheep to suit that size of frame and have separated them into one sheep per frame. Hopefully I will have completed the paintings by the weekend (when I will see her) and she can look at the frames and the paintings and decide for herself which she paintings / frames she prefers.
I really am having great fun with the sheep paintings but today I also drew a couple of dogs. My drawings are based on two little dog ornaments I had years ago (no idea where they've gone) and I'm looking forward to painting them too.
Citrus chicken and salad for dinner then episodes 3 & 4 of Series 5 of Shetland. Soooooo good.
Thank you so much for all of your lovely messages on my birthday blip yesterday. You are all so kind and fabulous :-) x
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