Looking Up

One of the things I learned early on about Blipping is the advantage of looking upwards in search of a Blip. When I got a little bored with that, I started to look behind me occasionally. 

I did that today. Most Mondays when I am in Falkland I walk down the close (alley) next to the Bruce Inn to get from the car park to the Deli. It is the quickest way, but it also has Falkland Palace right there across the street as I emerge. 

Today I admired the Palace, did not Blip it, and turned around. 

I ran out of vavavoom for a while during the afternoon - a broken night's sleep on account of the noise of the wind - and paused to recover by flicking through YouTube clips. Monday is a good day for highlights of football and ice hockey games. 

Then I moved on to food, and Bourdain's travels in particular. This was one of the best. 


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