
By bivbov

Not quite….

….an emergency blip photo, but I have failed to take a better photo during the day!

I didn’t sleep well but I’m not sure I can blame the storm. I think I have a bit of health anxiety and have been finding it difficult to relax at bedtime. Anyway, I wasn’t firing on all cylinders today.

I went for a walk at lunchtime to clear my head. My colleague came along too, so I didn’t stop to take photos.

ZQ has gone to the Brighton vs Wolves match at the Amex, so I won’t settle until he is home.

My blip photo is of my kitchen calendar, and it shows the boys doing various things, including Noo’s final primary school netball tournament, a fabulous haircut, his 2023 half marathon challenge, and him videoing ZQ doing something crazy (probably).

More high winds on the way…!

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