Up the plot - a W.I.P
A late rise from bed & an early dog walk this morning as Mum had a 9.45am appointment with a nurse at Chudleigh surgery. Mum's MOT went okay. Bloods taken, blood pressure, weight, general well being discussed. The nurse, Louise, was very good, very thorough, Mum liked her. A 45minute appointment.
I nipped in the library to pick up a book I ordered awhile ago, Dead In Devon. Popped into the pet shop to pick up bird seed & Shapes for Indie. We have another mouse problem ... The critters have made a nest in the new box of Shapes that Mum keeps in the kitchen with Indie's dry food & treats, next to the newspaper recycling sack which the mouse has used as nesting material. Very low carbon footprint :-) GRH!!!
Dropped back home for a coffee & slice of frangipane tart before taking Mum home. Pegged her laundry out, Did her housework, then dealt with the rodent problem using the newly purchased metal humane mousetraps. I have my doubts about their effectiveness. I set 2. I'll find out tomorrow morning. Mum's lunch & dinner meals sorted.
Back home, lunch with hubby Got my laundry out on the line, then went off to the allotment with the kitchen waste for the compost heap. BRight blue sky & sunshine but the wind was quite chilly. I lifted leeks, harvested purple sprouting broccoli, & Cavelo Nero. Gave the outer leaves to the neighbours chicken.
Back home I did the ironing while watching the first episode of Simon Reeves new series.
Made a big pot of veggie soup adding the stock left over from yesterdays roast gammon. A tasy dinner with some crusty bread.
Thanks to steveng for hosting Mono Monday
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