The Bee Bus!

So…in the village where we live there is a charitable organisation called De Bij Bus (The Bee Bus). If you are over a certain age or have a physical disability you can call them up and they send a bus to help you get to appointments, the supermarket, the bank, all over the place. It’s just brilliant!

It’s at times like this when I wish I had a better grasp of the language because I’d love to volunteer to drive these buses and help people around me.

Anyway, I seem to have become fascinated by these buses, so much so that when I see one I call out “Bee Bus” followed by the number. In the car, on a dog walk, in the living room, I just yell it out. Truly finds it totally mad on my part! It’s got so bad that now I measure my day on how many times I see a Bee Bus and whether or not I have managed to get Bee Bus Bingo by spotting all 3. So now I’ve started snapping pics of them if I’m out and about and I send them to Truly to brighten her day too. I might share some here too!! Watch out, you have been warned!

That is all.

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