Ice in the St. Jerome’s

We all slept in after all our busyness yesterday. My sister and I headed outside to find a blip. The creek had a thin layer of ice; the sun gave it such a glittering effect. After breakfast, we pulled out all of our mother’s linens, sorted them, refolded them to fit in a different cabinet and bagged up any mismatches. We believe the matches are in a cabinet we couldn’t get to today. Once I had a dresser emptied of linens, we filled it with our mother’s clothes. She moved from the master bedroom after our father passed but has not completely moved her clothes into her new bedroom. It felt so good to have her settled. Why do you have a story about it? Then we gathered up her paperwork, catalogs, cards and photographs that needed to be sorted, filed or recycled. We have to stay for part of the day tomorrow to be here when the septic system specialist arrives. Last night, our BIL discovered a problem with the pump. We are not sure how long it has been constantly running. Then, we should be able to head home. But we plan to help our mother finish sorting her papers before we depart. It will be wonderful to sleep in my own bed tomorrow. We will be leaving our mother who has returned to good health, has a lot less clutter, a warm home and repaired systems. We are hopeful that our efforts will ensure she stays healthy and safe. Stay safe and healthy also folks. Thanks for your visit. “In the darkness of this river, our hopes shimmer like stars.” - fsmstatistics

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