It Ain't Half Hot Mum

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I'm exaggerating, as per usual. I think our temperature today topped out at 25 degrees - which I'm pretty sure Scotland and definitely Wiesbaden exceeded last summer.

Plus: air conditioning. I barely ventured outside today. There was no call for it and besides I was working from home. Caro and I did pop out to get pet supplies but we left our home a/c for car a/c and then wandered around shops with freezers in them.

This did not stop Caro from buying more ice-blocks. 

Also the weather has been quite "monsoony" today. There have been occasional, short-lived but violent showers. One was so full-on that I walked into the kitchen to close our open back door and it looked like someone had poured a bucket of water on the floor.

I think I'll go into the office tomorrow to visit Fazzy, Olivia and Briar. That's it. That's the only reason I'm going. I still expect to be paid though.


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