Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Oooooh, another family wedding.

I thought that we were beyond family weddings now (well until the nieces, nephews and children all grow up); but my Mum's cousin has finally decided to make an honest woman of his long term girlfriend.

He is in his early 60s; so you can see why I wasn't expecting a wedding!

I blipped his paintings in our dining room at the start of the year; but this is a close up of my favourite painting of his that I have.

He's been painting all his life; and eventually took the plunge to jack in his commercial job and become a full time painter.

He seems to make a living out of it nowadays; but I have some of his really early stuff (including one from when he was 14).

Bit of a quiet day; with a home cooked chuck; then up to the Avon valley railway for a quick look at the Choo Choo trains. Excellent reaction from John when the whistle blew.

Then when we got back John had fallen asleep in the car; so rather than trying to get him out without disturbing him too much I thought I'd leave him to sleep in the car.

Fear not though; I stayed with him; and we both had a nice 30 minute car seat nap.

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