Kissing Kittens

Remember our cat Lily had some kittens last year?

Pete and Julia took one, named her Honey and now she's had a litter of her own, here are two.

This makes Lily a Granny, although she was not overly interested when H showed her some pictures of her grandchildren.

After sleeping in the sitting room with the lemans coverage on (for added effect) Alf and I watched the end of the race, whilst playing guitar, cleaning rabbits and stuff. There was also a short service for Ruby chicken who sadly passed away during the night. She was a fine chicken, always first out of the coop in the morning, we'll miss her.

After lunch and the race had finished we went over to see Pete and Julia and the new kittens (Poppy is convinced we need one), a 2 minute visit ended up taking nearly three hours, involved beer, gin and guitars, a perfect sunday afternoon if you ask me.

large kittens

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