
By Beewriter


Misty came to our team training day today. He has just been retired as a blood donor for the Pet Blood Bank….he fainted at his last two donations. It was really interesting to hear about pbb and all that they do. Thousands of dogs have been saved by blood transfusions each year and we heard a few stories about recipients. There is a criteria for doggy donors, obviously they need to be fit and healthy, but they also need to be between one and eight years old and weigh more than 25kg.

The dogs need to be happy and confident and enjoy meeting new people. They need to like lots of fuss and attention. They donate 450mls, we donate 470mls. The dogs get goody bags and a neck tie and they get to choose a toy each time. Misty is wearing his neck tie proudly, he went round the room and greeted everyone with a very waggy tail.

Misty was the highlight of the day.

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