
Asha had a pretty rough night so stayed home and slept for a significant portion of the morning - very unlike her. It did her good though and she felt a bit perkier afterwards. 
Danny and I signed up at the library, finally! Hoping it'll be a good place for me to work when my course begins. Bumped into one or two homeless friends whilst out prayer walking. I liked all the colours and layers on this movable landing in the port. 
Nate and I collected Sarah's post this afternoon then met the others at Caña Club. A difficult day for one of our friends there as today marks 1 year  of just awfulness. He texted ahead saying he didn't know how he'd be...I'm so glad he came along anyway. 
And then after a rushed tea and bedtime, we had our monthly zoom with the faithful pray-ers from our UK church. Always encouraging. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha seeming well enough to go to school tomorrow.
2) The sound of the birds in the trees as the sun went down.
3) Caña Club being such a solid place for people.

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