Coffee Morning

Every Wednesday there is a coffee morning run by the residents association here. 10-12, but generally after the raffle or draw, people drift off. It’s in the local/adjacent scout hut, just a 10 minute walk.

I thought the entrance would qualify for Wide Wednesday - thanks for hosting Bob.

It was my first visit, and of course everyone was very welcoming. £2.00 for tea or coffee. £1 per raffle ticket. At the moment the raffle is "open the box" and whoever gets drawn, chooses a key and if it opens the box, you win the money. A maximum 12 week period / keys and I think they said there were 4 keys left today. The chap who was drawn was a winner. About £500.

I’m glad I didn’t win actually, that would have been very embarrassing being my first visit!

Home, quick bite to eat then out in relay to ‘new patient’ appointments at the GP surgery in town. All good, although all the records haven’t transferred over - seems they use a different system to our previous place, so after I came home I wrote out the list of meds that need to go on repeat and Callum took them back when he went to his appointment an hour later.

The wind has died down considerably which is great, and I hope it’s improving for everyone else too in blip land x

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