
Well, that is Wednesday finished. Almost...

I still have to tidy the kitchen after making dinner, but for once I managed to avoid making a big mess. 

It has been a typical Wednesday, and to my surprise the noise from the wind and rain last night did not keep me awake. That meant my day was not affected by tiredness and/or grumpiness. 

After last week's snow and ice version of my Midweek Workout, today I reverted to normal and could cycle to and from the park. All good. 45 minutes on the gym equipment plus 40 minutes on my bike. I should sleep well again tonight. 

Most weeks I do not stop and linger during the workout because the intensity is one of the elements I value. Today I did stop for a few minutes on my way back home just to appreciate the blue sky and relative calm of the weather.

It was a Blip opportunity too. 

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