St Mary’s Parish Church

I started my day with my book, and psyched myself to get out for a run.  I started with my warm up, then headed out on my 5km route, and ran round with no stops at all.  I even made it up the hill, and it was much windier than I would have liked..  Hurrah – things are looking up.  I was slow, but I did it.  I just need to keep at it.  Once home I celebrated with some toast! BB had awoken and appeared when I was out.  He was rather worse for wear,  was slumped on the sofa, and was complaining of a sore throat.  There wasn’t much sympathy for him. 
Then there were more chores and more laundry to be done.  My washing machine has been working overtime this weekend. 
After lunch we pottered, and TT made a start on cooking tea.  BB was still in residence on the sofa.  The weather deteriorated, with  the start of Storm Isha.  For the second time today I had to psyche myself to go out, this time to do a supermarket shop.   When I got back home BB had disappeared.  He had gone to the gym with a fiend apparently.  Kill or cure. 
By very late afternoon, the rain seemed to  have gone off, so I risked a wee walk.  It was all good until I was nearing home and walking into a very strong wind.  The rain started when home was in sight, but I was totally drookit by the time I got in.  BB was home when I got home and was com[plaining again of his sore throat.  He was also very hot and not feeling fabulous.  As the night went on we realised this was no mega-hangover, he probably has some kind of bug.  His gym buddy has similar symptoms, ,and I wouldn’t be surprised if last night’s party goers also go down with it. 
We had a quiet evening with BB feeling sorry for himself, TT off to something at church,  and I read my book.  The weather just got worse and worse, and we listened to the wind howling all evening and night, with the rain battering into the house. 
I haven’t taken many blips today.  This is a late afternoon view across the river to St Mary’s, before the storm really got going.

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