Sullivan's Pond

I finally got off work early enough today so I was able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. The temperature this afternoon was -5 C and they said the wind chill made it feel like -11 C, but I didn't notice any wind. There was a pair of American wigeons at Sullivan's Pond, along with 2 pairs of wood ducks, several ring necked ducks and about 100 mallards and black ducks. Despite several cold days there is very little ice in the pond this year.

On my way home I noticed a couple of people skating near the beach at Lake Banook. The water at the end is likely shallow enough that if they did break through they could get out easily. I suspect that the ice is only about an inch thick.

It helps that the managers at Shoppers know who I am. I arrived about 15 minutes before the store opened today to get started on the reline. The manager was at the front of the store and he let me in. So I had most of the shelves moved by the time the 2 helpers showed up. They are both good, independent workers. One of them finished moving the shelves since she was working that section. The other one sorted the color strips then started working on his section. That allowed me to start on the pegboard. I expected to be there till about 2:30 or 3 pm. We had everything finished and cleaned up by 1:15. So I will get paid for an extra hour today. If we finish early we still put in for the time allowed. If we take more time, then we put in for the time worked.

The forecast has snow starting overnight and changing to rain by morning. I hope it is not too messy in the morning, I have to go to Halifax. I expect to be there at least 6 hours tomorrow.

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