Seen At The Deck Rail Buffet Today......

I should probably have been more disciplined about the number of shots in my collage, but I wasn't so this is what you get to see for Wild Wednesday.  The male Cardinal and the Dove came alone  and stayed a short time.  The Carolina Wren also came alone, but stayed longer.  The Chickadees came in their usual tag team style and they stayed longer than any of the birds. The squirrel was only allowed to stay for a short time, so he would not eat all the food.  This squirrel is well trained and knows when I say that I see him, it is time for him to go----the other two that come around haven't quite got the idea yet and require a little more "encouragement" to leave. The female Cardinal and the Blue Jay were too skittish for photos, so I saw them, but you will not,  Thanks to Cailleach for hosting......

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