
I collected May from her sleepover just before 10. We had a nightmare before then with our broken washing machine due to Elliot using the door as a step to get onto the work surface.. However, our usual Sunday resumed with dippy eggs all round.

When I was a child I would wake up most Sunday morning's at my Grand-Parents house and Grandad would always have me a fresh goose egg. He would make me the most perfect dippy egg with marmite soldiers (even now when I have dippy eggs I always have marmy soldiers) then we would go to The Pear Tree just before lunch, Grandad would have a pint of bitter and he'd get me a bottle of Orangina, I felt so grown up have fizzy from the bottle!!! Every week I would try and take the same pound from the bar, every week he would wink at me and say "Go on, you can have that"... Anyone that has been to The Pear Tree will know that I have never taken that pound, not through want of trying!!

Anyway, today I met up with my lovely friend and we went off to a Burlesque photo shoot at The Windmill it was super fun. We were the only girls and I thought we would be surrounded by sleazy men but everyone there was great... Except their agent, he was a slimy arse. There was an occasion where he told the blokes that there was a good shot but the poor girl had far too much on show without knowing, he made jokes about picking up their underwear, he was sleazy and made me feel a little eughhhh. Anna and I went to see the girls in the annex after and they were eating Pot Noodles and drinking energy drink, They were there from Friday until today and all the food he had got them were pasties, sausages rolls and pot noodles... That makes me sad...

We did have an amazing day though!!

Elliot went to bed at 5.30pm last night and slept until 9.30am... I probably shouldn't be shocked he's still awake now!!

A few shots from today...

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