A Little Boy's Dream

Where is the time going? Being the mother of an energetic and boisterous toddler means that my days just fly by. Little Man and I have had a lovely day. We made lunch, soup, in the slow cooker. It involved a lot of chopping and peeling. Then we went for a walk, via the rubbish containers. When I saw the digger we had to stop so that Little Man could watch for a bit.

We had an another appointment today with the child health specialist (from what I've garthered,  this is standard proceedure here in the Netherlands). Little Man ended up needing to vaccinations, one in each arm. The specialist got her colleague and they did it at the same time. It was definitely less traumatic for him than one at a time. He recovered quickly.

My parents also got back today, from their conference. They had some of their friends with them, from Horsham, England. They stayed for lunch and Little Man loved the attention.

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