
………not long been in this particular field. They were certainly enjoying munching through all the vegetation,
They will be pregnant ewes awaiting their lambs.
We’ve been out to lunch today to our favourite pub restaurant which has been offering 50% off mains for the past three weeks, and one of the staff said it had been “manic”.
But that’s good as they have to be able to maintain their revenue.
The meals there are excellent and today’s was no exception.
I got Stephen to stop the car on our way home so I could take this photo,
Then we stopped to call on some of our near neighbours who had had some work done on their bathroom recently.
The person who has put in a walk in shower for them, is coming to do the same for us beginning on Monday, along with a new sink unit and bathroom cabinet,
I had already seen their finished one, and thought it would be a good idea for Stephen to have a look.
Mugs of tea and lots of catching up happened before we came home.
The family are coming to tea tomorrow. I always make sure there are plenty of craft things, toys and drawing materials ready.
Our eldest granddaughter will be 11 on Tuesday,
Time for tea,

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