Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

East meets West

An unusual recipe - traditional English veg in a Thai curry sauce. But why not? In posh circles they would call it fusion cuisine.

Very, very busy day. Domestics in the morning. Messy business draining a broken dishwasher. Shopping for supper and stretching the legs. Then this afternoon I had an excellent three hour Nikon training session on zoom for Z6ii owners, run by the Nikon training school. 

Cooking supper and clearing the washing up backlog by hand took me through to 6.30. What is this "retirement" of which they speak? Actually I did get my P45 through the post today which was a source of great joy to me. The final line will be drawn under my NHS life tomorrow when I get my last ever pay in my bank account. Roll on the future.

Extra: a rather nice picture of Henry and I over lunch.

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