
By busboy

Bag of medication

This bag of medication gets delivered to my flat every Wednesday morning. The contents helps me remain in the community my last stay in hospital was 2015 for being extremely elated to the point of being a danger to myself and others. I was put on heavy medication and through time I came down back down to earth. I was discharged,I was still elated when I was discharged but managed to maintain my flat. I soon feel into a deep depression lasting about nine months, which I came out by myself. Blipfoto gives me a focus and I try to blip as much as I can. I am lucky I used to be a bus driver and I am very fortunate in that I have a car, this lets me get out and about and experience new things in which I am very grateful for. I am starting a new hobby of cycling every 2nd week for one day with the company of others. I also have a partner in Debbie a daughter and son in law and three wonderful grandchildren also a wonderful sister and brother in law.For regular followers my sleep problems have changed considerably since my nine nights and days of sleeping now I just can't seem to get any sleep 24 hours here we come. Ah well. 

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