
The pine warblers don't mind sharing with other species, but they don't play well together. This afternoon he shared the bird pie with the white breasted nuthatch and earlier he was sharing it with a downy woodpecker.

All the birds seem to love the bird pie. I have watched the pine warblers, chickadees, nuthatches, downy woodpeckers, blue jays, goldfinches and the northern flicker eating it. I'm surprised that I don't have any starlings here on a regular basis. When I lived on Clifford Dr, I would put a bird pie out and the starlings would fight over it, it would last about 2 days with them around.

Work went well again today. I was under my time. I started a bit later because we had some snow overnight, then it changed to rain, so there was about an inch of slush on the steps and walkway. Normally the roommate goes to school on Thursday, but I guess he woke up when his alarm went off at the usual time, looked out, saw the snow and went back to sleep. I had to scrape the slush off the walkway, then traffic was slow moving going towards Halifax, not sure why, but it was lined up for about 2.5 km. So I started at 9:30 and finished at 2:30, I expected to be there till 3:30.

The roommate came home at his usual time this afternoon, that's why I think he was late for school today, he didn't want to shovel the walkway. I'll have to see if he tries to suck up on the weekend.

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