Worn Out...

...from chasing a feather! 

It doesn't take much these days to tire Maggie out! Same for me; we are both getting older it seems... and after an exhausting few minutes of playtime, we both need a nap...

We don't play often, but in tidying up the laundry room this morning, I came across a bag of cat toys that had become of little interest to Maggie and so had been set aside. Maggie has been looking rather bored this week; so I thought it might be a good idea to reintroduce her to this elaborate electronic gizmo that madly whips a feathered object in circles under a cover that supposedly hides a bird.. or maybe a mouse that has somehow acquired feathers? It would be good exercise and also an opportunity for her to hone her hunting skills.. hunting has never been Maggie's forté.

Well, it did catch her interest and even caused her to chase, leap and pounce for oh ...about 2 minutes? (extra) and then the novelty wore off again. She was last seen recuperating on the back of the sofa...at which point I tried to take one more photo

She did object as usual to having my camera in her face, but I explained to her that Pedros has asked for more cat pictures, so would she please co-operate? To which she responded, "For Pedros? He who likes cats? For him I will pose." She managed to keep her eyes at least partly open long enough for her portrait, and then promptly went back to sleep.

Another exciting day in the life of Maggie....

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