Fine Friday

A day of blue sky and sunshine - it's a pity it was blowing a gale again. We did our Tesco shopping.
I went to get changed ready to go and said to Terry that I needed to do something with my hair before I could go - didn't want to scare the shop assistants ha ha. I wet it and did a quick blow dry. Popped my jacket and shoes on, went outside and the wind blew my hair straight up in the air! It had been pointless.
Did some shredding and tidying of old bills, mortgage statements etc. We have no mortgage now but with the price of gas and electricity we are not noticing much difference.
Maltesers - I love them and usually buy a big box to eat over the week. Last week they were £5 (usually £3.50) and so we wouldn't buy them. Robbery! This week they were still £5. Have they raised the price ready for Valentine's Day? Bought alternative products. On a happy note, Baileys was £13 for a litre bottle so one went in the trolley.
Part of our front garden in the photo. We have generous gardens for a semi, since we are a corner plot and our house is a former council house, built in 1928. We refer to our different parts of the garden as front, side, drive, back and far back! When the ambulance came to our house recently, one of the ambulance lasses thought the drive and side gardens were someone else's! She was shocked when she realised it was all ours. I am guessing she lives in a house with what is often referred to as a postage stamp garden.
If you look carefully you might spot a geocache hanging from the railing by fishing wire.

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