a life in photos

By fernridge

the bridge...

Yup, probably the MOST photographed bridge in New Zealand at the moment, well definitely in Rangiora! lol Urgent call from the main office, please take some photos... needed for some publicity thingee..to explain the missing piece and what's to be happening. So off I trundle - thank god there was a spare pair of gumboots in my office... a 1000 photos later (well not really - just felt like it) not enough time to go all the way around the detour (time constraints on when photos needed) and of course I REALLY needed to be on the other side of the bridge to get the sun behind me, and the beautiful snowy mountains in the shot, but that just wasn't going to happen unfortunately... so this is it... I am pretty sure the powers that be aren't going to use this one......
Funnily enough, as I was there, one of the crew who was doing the repairs says - hmmm weren't you here last time we did repairs to the bridge? good memory fella ... because yes I WAS!

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