Today I attended the Gloucestershire Royal British Legion Branch AGM. It's quite lively with some banter thrown in, as you do with military, serving and veterans! The photograph was taken about 20 minutes before the meeting started, hence the lack of members on the stage.
Some great points raised, which I won't go into, but some proposals were put forward that will be going to the National Conference in May, to be held in Newport, South Wales. 
It was also good to meet RBL members that I don't see so often and, now that I am the Gloucestershire Rep for the RBL Riders Branch, I need these contacts for getting information, merchandise, invitations to things etc.
I think this year is going to be an interesting one with my new role, 2023 was pretty much non-existent as far as our particular Riders branch was concerned as no-one would take on the role to organise anything. I called a meeting for last October where I put some subjects up for discussion, including nominations for the role of Representative. There was only one nomination, seconded, and voted unanimously - ME!!! Which I accepted graciously, of course!

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