
By grammapat

Late snack of Oyster Stew

Annie and Paul came over as hubby was making a favorite of his, Oyster Stew. Not a favorite of mine!! Oscar offered some to Paul and Annie. Paul thought it sounded good, so here are our guys having their stew. We had had a wonderful family time together earlier in the day with lots of good food.
They brought over a delicious pudding with lots of whipped cream. It was enjoyed by all.
They had gone home when the Nik Wallenda wire walk over part of the Grand Canyon came on. I called and they could watch it on the computer, but it didn't show the talking afterwards, so came back to watch that on TV. It was so exciting to watch. He praised God and prayed during the entire walk. Such a testimony. It was so exciting to see the finish!! Yes, he made it!! Quite an accomplishment.

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