and through the wire...

By hesscat

Oh What A Night!

Not tonight, last night. It seems our pets are working as a team... the kitties seem to have extracted a sachet of Dreamies (cat treats) from the cat food store and hid it somewhere. Last night Arlo found the sachet and ate the contents before we noticed. Having done all the google searches, we expected him to get an upset stomach.

I think it started about 1.30am, licking his lips and not settling. To cut a long story I was up numerous times to help him, taking him outside and all he wanted to eat was grass until eventually about 6.30 when things started to move and it was about 7.30 I got to bed. I'd volunteered to do it since Mrs C was doing a park run and needed her sleep, if a bit interupted and off she went. At 9.30 Arlo was barking so up again to take him outside then back to sleep. When I woke up mid-afternoon I was a bit of a zombie until after my bath, I didn't have any energy to blip anything else.

Anyway, he was still off during the day too and didn't really start to settle until evening. The poor wee boy, we'll try and make tomorrow a better day for him

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