Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete



Things are fascinating when they are not in their normal mode. There used to be a place when I was a kid, a derelict area, a disused clay pit, things would turn up there, things in pieces. Old washing machines, radioes, old cars and all kinds of stuff in between. It was a real playground!

I would stare at the guts of a car, bewitched by the complexity, wires and metal, once alive, now silent as the grave. Oh! these things of wonder became part and parcel of our games, for me though, there was something magical, otherworldly about their past lives.

I must be said that everything fascinates me really, it's all so bloody wonderful, but seeing things differently is still the key. The MidSummer fair, all quiet and ghostly, provided today's object of beguilement. Still and peaceful, no lights or loud music, no hawkers shouting the exaggerated claims of their goods......just silence. No litter, no evidence of revelry, devoid of life, just the quiet hum of colour on a grey day.

Magical !

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