
First today BiL T took myself and SiL C back to the hospital car park to collect our cars.

Then it was suggested we go somewhere to get out of the house awhile, so he drove us to Salford Quays. A place that was so central to my working life, but I’ve only been a couple of times since March 2020.

We had lunch at Pizza Express, which was both good and weird. It was the second time I’d been out for a meal since before March 2020 (the first being in an empty and draughty tapas bar with my sister visiting my dad last year). With J’s immuno-suppression we’ve been shielding for almost 4 years, and my first priority has been to protect J.. So eating and drinking places, concerts, cinemas and the rest have been effectively out of bounds. Which I’ve been fine with, life together was good. A lot of change to get used to from here on in.

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